Westerman Property Solutions


Professional and Reputable Property Management

WESTERMAN PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LTD is an exclusive Property Management company. It is not involved in the day to day sale of real estate, so you get the benefit of all the services, expertise and full-time care and attention of a thoroughly professional and reputable management team.

We know the market...

The benefit of our 50 years experience has proved invaluable to many landlords. We can advise on current rentals for your property type and area and set a rental rate to give you the greatest return on your investment.

Our service is designed to assist the owner in running their investment and accordingly varies from property to property depending on the objectives of that owner. However, there is one key element and that is our quality of service and management, which is fundamental to adding value to your property.

In managing property on your behalf, we take our role very seriously and basically see ourselves as Trustees - but with total control and ultimate decision-making remaining with you, the owner.

Although we work totally independently of - and where necessary in strict confidence of - our sister sales company we do find their input invaluable in keeping up with current market communications, trends and opportunities locally and nationally.

This extends to keeping abreast of; legislative changes affecting our industry, new planning matters, Public Works programs, and issues of a sensitive nature - both commercial and political.

In summary we treat properties as we would our own - but leave you in as much or as little control as you want.

For a detailed overview of our property management services...  Enquire Here --->