Xpress Property Rentals


What Is The Xpress Property Rentals Concept?

The vision of Xpress Property Rentals is to provide an efficient and cost effective service for you, our valued clients.

Working from our mobile office we are able to promptly attend to any event during the course of the day.

Our vehicle is an office on the go. We have fitted out our vehicle with all the latest technical gadgets; including mobile communications, computing and EFTPOS. This allows us to access the internet to always have the latest property information on hand at all times.


The less time spent returning to any office answering email and feeding envelopes means I am able to prioritise time managing your investment property.

As the Property Owner you have free access to your financial information by logging in directly to our property management software system. You are able to retrieve, view and print off vital information at your leisure.

This “out of the square” attitude to modern business has a direct and positive effect to the bottom line for each and every Investor.

Tenants have direct access to their property manager by phone, txt or email. We can pop in while out and about should something unforeseen occur.

It’s a WIN - WIN situation!            TALK TO US TODAY -->>

Are You Ready To Purchase?

Xpress Property Rentals is prepared to attend a viewing on your behalf. We will complete a rental appraisal, highlight market positives and bring to your attention any maintenance concerns. There is a fee of $50.00 plus GST applicable for this service. However, this is refundable should a full management with Xpress Property Rentals Ltd result.