New Zealand Property Investors’ Federation, (NZPIF) is the umbrella body for 20 local Property Investors' Associations throughout New Zealand.
Each Association is an independent autonomous body in its own right. Their purpose is to enable property investors to network together, become more professional and therefore more successful in their property investments.
The Department of Building and Housing merged in 2012 to form the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
The MBIE plays a central role in shaping and delivering a strong New Zealand economy and provides Landlords with information on Building and Housing statistics, trends and Tenancy Services.
Core Logic is a leading property information, analytics and services provider in New Zealand. CoreLogic helps clients identify and manage growth opportunities, improve performance and mitigate risk.
Well known for &, Core Logic offers property investors with instant, accurate information.

A listing of all retail interest rates on offer in New Zealand. Includes call and savings accounts, term deposits, credit cards, and home mortgages.
A great source for property investors, providing an excellent comparative summary of mortgage rates and bank incentives.